Monday, August 16, 2010

The wallpaper look without the hassle!

I saw an article on Rollerwall - The Unwallpaper Company and thought BRILLIANT!

Many times I have thought of papering one wall, stair risers, etc. but haven't wanted to deal with the hassle.  Rollerwall looks like wallpaper, but is actually a painting technique that is dummy proof!  And, when you're tired of the look, just paint over it!  No peeling paper, steaming, concocting crazy solutions of hot water and fabric softner to get off glue.  Easy, easy! 

I'm actually loving the grazing deer motif!  Nice!!


Kitchen Remodeling said...

I saw this in my aunt's bedroom and it really looks perfect!

LaNa said...

@Kitchen Remodeling - very cool! I'm tempted!!